

American, Pizza

Mankato, Minnesota

Bonfire Wood Fire Cooking Restaurants are located in Blaine, Eagan, Mankato, Savage and Woodbury. The heart and hearths of the Bonfire Restaurants is wood fire ovens. Wood fire cooking allows Chefs to present dishes in a traditional way, full of bold flavors which include seafood, burgers, pizzas, flatbreads and rotisserie grilled chicken. Our menu represents local flavor profiles which we have coined “Minnesota Craft Comfort Food”. These items are part of our cast iron dinner section and are found throughout our lunch and brunch menus. Our mission is to provide every guest with a superior dining experience by delivering great food and great service in a warm and comfortable environment. We are proud to be an independent restaurant company in Minnesota serving the community since 2001. Make Bonfire you neighborhood gathering spot and we will see you soon.


    Open 10am-4pm
    $25 Adults| $9 Kids | Children Under 5 FREES
    Hand-carved turkey or roast beef, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans and dessert

    Available Days: Monday